August 27: Bhojpuri Superstar Khesari Lal Yadav inaugurated Ashok Prasad Abhishek’s new production house, iEve Era Films, on August 25 2022, at JW Marriott, Mumbai. The inauguration ceremony was attended by many celebrities like Sunil Pal, Lal Babu Pandit (Director), Amrish Singh (Actor), Sanjay Bhushan Patiala (PRO), Ali khan, Vivek Keshari, Hello Kaun fame “Sneh…
August 26: Bollywood’s Desi Girl Priyanka Chopra and Parineeti Chopra’s cousin Mannara Chopra entered Bollywood with the film ‘Zid’. Now actress Mannara Chopra is seen in a music video, “Hum Rah Gaye Akele”, which is produced by Ashok Prasad Abhishek. This song has been released on the official YouTube channel of iEve Era Films, which is…
August 17: For the last 22 years, He’s ruled in IT Industries since 2000, now stated producing IT movies for audiences to get alert about IT. Bollywood is a world whose charm draws people from other Fields as well. Ashok Prasad (Abhishek), who has been working as an IT professional for 22 years, is the…
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